= identifier, label, label, ID (identification).
Ex: The identifier for each set of cataloguing rules or standard is preceded by a semi-colon.
Ex: There are a number of types of abstracts or labels that can be applied to abstracts.
Ex: Enter your search term preceded by the label and a colon; for example, "ti:veterinary medicine" searches titles (ti) for "veterinary" adjacent to "medicine".
Ex: To make the product more closely resemble a CD-ROM service; IDs for 10 simultaneous users were obtained for a flat fee.
* asignación de identificadores = tagging.
* etiqueta identificadora del libro = label.
* formato de presentación con identificadores = labelled format.
* identificador de campo = field label.
* identificador de campo abreviado = short field label.
* identificador de campo desarrollado = long field label.
* identificador del documento = document identifier.
* identificador de materia = subject label.
* Identificador de Objeto Digital (DOI) = DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
* identificador de registro = record identifier.
* identificador de subcampo = subfield identifier.
* identificador de usuario = user ID.
* señal identificadora = tell-tale sign.
* URI (Identificador Universal de Recursos) = URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).